Brudenell Presents...
Freak Slug - Free Entry
+ Mollie Coddled + bughotel
Freak Slug is a Manchester / London based artist. You can feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with melancholic memories listening to her music. Influenced by heavy sounds, the soft melodies of 90's shoegaze and the rough side of the 60's, her lo-fi, bedroom pop sound exists in a time frame of its own.
Freak Slug sifts through collections of people's everyday movements and emotion, fleeting or permanent. Full of dissonant harmonies, sarcastic tones and unexpected turns, the juxtaposition of beauty and ugly are exactly what keeps Freak Slug alive and on your toes. It's got nonchalant, almost scruffy DIY attitude, switching vocally from heavenly serenades to moody talk as if to herself, whilst unapologetically and honestly spilling her romantic endeavours for whoever to hear.
Monday 22nd January 2024
Price: Free Entry
Doors 19:30
Brudenell News
Be Kind // Re-opening Statement
Friday 16th July 2021
On the whole, we want our message to convey that there is a need for a level of personal responsibility, compassion and kindness for each other that essentially helps us all. We appreciate your continued support.
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